The complete Surya vs Surya Total Box office collection are listed here by date wise for all the days for this Surya vs Surya telugu tollywood movie which was mainly played a role for the character for hero by the hyderabadi actor called Nikhil .
The 1st day Surya vs Surya Total Box office collection is 4 crores and 56 lacks. (5-3-2015, Thursday)
The 2nd day Surya vs Surya Total Box office collection is 5 crore and 45 lacks.(6-3-2015, Friday)
The 3rd day Surya vs Surya Total Box office collection is 4 crores and 12 lacks. (7-3-2015, Saturday)
Surya vs Surya Total Box office collection for 1st 3 days were around 10 crores and 12 lacks of rupees. And the satellite rights of this film is going to sell for MAA Tv Network in india.
First 3 days box office collections for this movie by city wide(approx. details):-
1) Hyderabad:- 4 crores and 20 lacks
2)Vijayawada:- 2 crores and 12 lacks
3)Visakapatnam:- 1 crore and 14 lacks.
4)Waranagal:- 80 lacks.
5)Nellore:- 87lacks,
6) Karanataka State:-1 crore.
7)Overseas:- 9 lacks
By comparing the box office collection for Karthikeya movie this Surya Vs Surya film got more collections on opening day.
This Surya vs Surya is toally came into the more than 490 movie theaters throughout the world and in USA it covers 7 movie halls. This Surya vs Surya movie is intially released in india on 5th Match of 2015 without any late that previously mentioned by this film director and which was originally directed by the telugu film director called karthik ghattamaneni and producer for this movie was Malkapuram Shivakumar garu for this heavy box office colletion on the 1st day release of this movie got by our actress called Tridha Choudhary actress who is freshly introducted to telugu film industry. And the Tanikella Bharani who had good name in telugu film industry for the best side actor and best supportive actor for the hero roles in general movies and old actress called madhubala player her dramatic role in this film. Coming to this Surya vs Surya film the story intially started with the titles in this movie and they described well about the cast in this movie and coming to the story of this Surya vs Surya movie is that, our actor nikhil is suffering with a variety of dicease the problem of that dicease is that if he see the sun then he will die, so our hero should not see the sun in any case, and this is romantic thriller movie. Actually Madhubala gave borth to surya in this film, one day he saw the actress called Tridha Choudhary who palyed a role of Sanjana character and they are indept love with each other, and that one day nikhil decided to tell about his problem with her, unfortunately at the same time Sanjana (who was lover to nikhil) known about his problem from hearing words from other persons. So she rejected him for their love. Fianlly our hero how he is tried to tell sorry for her and how he managed from escaping sun light at day times, this is the story concept. This film is going to make another supper hit for actor Nikhil after the Karthikeya, Swami rara blockboster movies in tollywood box office.
This Surya vs Surya movie totally got 6.5 stars out of 10 stars rating by many websites.
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