The puneeth raj kumar's mythri box office collection details are mentioned here. This kannada box boster ovie move collected 1 crores and 76 lacks rupees on the first of movie release date which is on the 21st february 2014 year from the wikipedia report. According to the information from kanna dilm industry this movie collected overall 2 crores of indina rupees on the release day of 2nd day.
3rd day mythri box office collections:- 1 crore 65 lacks of rupes.
4thday mythri movie box office collections:- 1` crore 3 lacks rupees
total box office collections for this mythri movie up to first 4 days is 6.5 crores of rupees.
And day by day these collections are increasing.
Mythri movie is released overall 500 + movie theaters through out the world including the indian and overseas, on overseas this movie is collected only 17 lacks of rupees on the 1st day of box office collections.
Mythri movie details:-
This mythri movie started their shooting on april 2014 year after struggling with various factores this movie is finally relased on 21st februay on this year. The main highlight for this movie is senior actor MOHAN LAL garu. The hero puneth raj kumar played a pentasic role in this mythri movie and the actress archana and bhavana meenon had shoen their real acting tallent, The kannada film director giriraj intially planned to release this movie before the lovers day, bur due to some reasons he finnyl released after this February 14 day.
More detials and collections on this movie will be updated soon. keep browing this site.
3rd day mythri box office collections:- 1 crore 65 lacks of rupes.
4thday mythri movie box office collections:- 1` crore 3 lacks rupees
total box office collections for this mythri movie up to first 4 days is 6.5 crores of rupees.
And day by day these collections are increasing.
Mythri movie is released overall 500 + movie theaters through out the world including the indian and overseas, on overseas this movie is collected only 17 lacks of rupees on the 1st day of box office collections.
Mythri movie details:-
This mythri movie started their shooting on april 2014 year after struggling with various factores this movie is finally relased on 21st februay on this year. The main highlight for this movie is senior actor MOHAN LAL garu. The hero puneth raj kumar played a pentasic role in this mythri movie and the actress archana and bhavana meenon had shoen their real acting tallent, The kannada film director giriraj intially planned to release this movie before the lovers day, bur due to some reasons he finnyl released after this February 14 day.
More detials and collections on this movie will be updated soon. keep browing this site.
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