The complete details of Idhu Namma Aalu box office collection are described as fallows. This Simbus and nayanatara movie rleased in more than 400 theaters through out the world, this movie got toall of 14 crores and 35 lacks of box office collections upto the date of february 18th. This movie was intially released on January 23th of 2015 year as a pongal gift to the tamil poeple.
Idhu Namma Aalu 1st day box office colletion - 1 crore rupees
Idhu Namma Aalu 2nd day box office collection - 1 crore 21 lacks
Idhu Namma Aalu 3rd day box office collection - 1 crore 32 lacks
Idhu Namma Aalu 4th day box officec colelction - 89 lacks.
This tamil movie got higest money on 1st sunday of the movie reased week. The awesome director and co director gave a big life to this tamil movie to make success to actor simbhu and actress nayanatara. After this filem poeple are fallaing love at box office. This movie has a story that, love and romantic drama, so the very youth in this Tamilnadu state saw this to encourage the actor simbu. The direcor selvapandhi got more and more wishes and copngrats from the tamil box office center.
Idhu Namma Aalu 1st day box office colletion - 1 crore rupees
Idhu Namma Aalu 2nd day box office collection - 1 crore 21 lacks
Idhu Namma Aalu 3rd day box office collection - 1 crore 32 lacks
Idhu Namma Aalu 4th day box officec colelction - 89 lacks.
This tamil movie got higest money on 1st sunday of the movie reased week. The awesome director and co director gave a big life to this tamil movie to make success to actor simbhu and actress nayanatara. After this filem poeple are fallaing love at box office. This movie has a story that, love and romantic drama, so the very youth in this Tamilnadu state saw this to encourage the actor simbu. The direcor selvapandhi got more and more wishes and copngrats from the tamil box office center.
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